cultivation techniques


In general, fertilizer seeds are separated and applied 4-5cm below the seed side. The amount of fertilizer can be adjusted. When more than 20 kg of diammonium phosphate is applied per 667 square meters, it can be applied in layers: the depth of the upper layer seed fertilizer is 5-7 cm, and the amount of fertilizer application accounts for 1/3; The depth of base fertilizer is 10-16cm, and the amount of fertilizer is 2/3. Or after the previous crop is harvested, the fermented organic fertilizer is evenly spread on the ground, and then the fertilizer is raked into the soil with a rake. After the dung and soil are fully mixed, they are deeply turned over. After turning over, the raking bottle is used to carefully ridge, or the soybean can be flat planted.


Rational rotation: it is better to choose the right crop, not heavy and alternate cropping.
Careful land preparation: turn the land in autumn according to the previous crop, with a depth of 22-25cm. During operation, do not lift large soil blocks, open strips and blocks, and do not tighten, heavy or leak.
Soil moisture: The soil moisture content (dry soil weight%) after land preparation should be about 22% when sowing to ensure that the seeds can normally absorb water and sprout.
Suitable sowing time: summer soybean can be sown after wheat harvest as long as the moisture content is suitable. The best sowing date is from June 10 to 25, no later than the first ten days of July.

Hoeing and intertillage

(1) Before the first compound leaf, the hoe is everywhere, so as to clear the seedling grass, not hurt the seedling, and loosen the topsoil.
(2) When the seedling height is about 10 cm, the second intertillage shall be carried out to ensure that the seedling is not damaged, pressed or leaked.
(3) About 10 days after the second intertillage, the third one shall be carried out to achieve deep loosening and more soil loading.

Summer sowing

Irrigation before sowing: for the plot with poor moisture content, if there are irrigation conditions, irrigation can be conducted once before sowing to facilitate seed germination after sowing. Close the field for weeding in combination with irrigation.
Sowing date: It is very important to sow summer soybean early due to the short growing season. Sow timely, with high seedling protection rate, neat and robust emergence, good growth and development, and thick stems.
Reasonable close planting: reasonable close planting is to correctly handle the relationship between individuals and groups under local and current specific conditions, so as to maximize the development of groups and individuals; Make full use of the light energy and land power per unit area; Under the same cultivation conditions, the best economic benefits can be obtained. It can be sown on the ridge, which can increase the sown area, and the soybean taste is better.

Autumn sowing

Land preparation: after ploughing, the paddy field is divided into compartments, with a width of 2-3 meters, a row spacing of 3 meters, and a hole spacing of 0.33 meters. 2-3 seeds per hole, with a density of about 30000 plants per mu.
Timely sowing: generally, the sowing amount is 8-10 kg per mu before August 10.
Reasonable fertilization: 25 kg calcium magnesium phosphate fertilizer mixed with 500 kg soil miscellaneous fertilizer is used as seed covering fertilizer per mu; At the early flowering stage, depending on the seedling situation, 3-5 kg of urea is applied per mu; at the podding stage, 40-50 kg of 2% calcium superphosphate clarification solution is used per mu; 30-40 kg of ammonium molybdate 0.05% diluted solution is used per mu; the two are sprayed on the leaf surface; Or spray 0.1% borax solution on the leaves to improve grain plumpness.
Field management: In case of high temperature during sowing, irrigation should be carried out after planting. If the water is insufficient after sowing, irrigation can be carried out in the evening. In the 3-leaf stage and at the time of seedling and seeding, the general seeding density is 3000-30000 plants per mu. After seeding, 6-8kg urea should be applied in time per mu. The intertillage weeding shall be carried out in a timely manner. Generally, the intertillage weeding shall be carried out for 2-3 times, and the soil shall be cultivated.

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