
rust disease

The primary yellowish white slightly raised spots are enlarged into yellowish brown summer spore stacks, the epidermis is broken, and rust brown powder is scattered, and later rust powder turns to black powder.


powdery mildew

Sporadic small round white mildew spots appear on the leaf surface. Later, the mildew spots gradually expand and the number increases. The mildew spots become powdery spots and cover the whole leaf. The affected leaves are mostly withered and yellow and die, causing premature senescence of the plant


Bean leaf spot

Scattered grey white irregular disease spots, the size of soybean leaf spot after expansion is 2~5mm, the middle is light brown, the four sides are dark brown, the boundaries between the diseased and healthy parts are obvious, the disease spots are dry in the later stage, and black small grains are on top.


Fusarium wilt disease of soybean

Fusarium wilt is a systemic disease that infects the whole plant. The infected plants grow short, and the leaves gradually turn yellow to yellow brown wilting from bottom to top at the initial stage of infection.


Mosaic disease

The growth of the diseased plant is weak, the internode is shortened, and the whole plant is stunted. When the diseased plant blooms, it has malformed flower organs, few flowers, few pods, rat tail shaped pods, incomplete seeds, and sometimes brown necrotic stripes.


Sclerotinia disease

It mainly harms stems, vines, leaves and fruits. The stem base is infected with water stains at the beginning and then expands into light brown, causing soft rot or longitudinal crack of the stem base. The surface of the diseased part produces white cotton flocculent mycelia.


Root rot

The root rots, the function of absorbing water and nutrients gradually weakens, and finally the whole plant dies, which is mainly manifested as yellowing and withering of the whole plant leaves.

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