Duplication type

  Gene duplication type classification analysis, using DupGen_finder, can divide all genes into 5 categories according to the replication type, namely WGD: whole genome duplication, TD: tandem duplication (two adjacent duplication genes), PD: Proximal duplications (repeated genes within 10 genes apart), TRD: transposed duplications (duplicated genes consisting of ancestral and new loci), DSD: scattered duplications (duplicated genes that are neither adjacent nor collinear)
  Among them, Glycine max was the species with the most WGD genes, and Medicago truncatula was the species with the most PD gene replication type, while TD TRD DSD was the species with the most Arachis maconticola Gene replication type, which might be because Arachis Maconticola is polyploid.

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