Function genes

  The website allows researchers to select Arabidopsis thaliana as a model organism and identify genes related to specific functions in Fabaceae plants through the best match method. Users can choose functions of interest, such as nitrogen fixation, drought resistance, and cold tolerance, and the webpage will display a list of Fabaceae plant genes related to the selected function. This facilitates easy access to and understanding of gene information related to specific functions, aiding researchers in studying relevant functions in Fabaceae plants.
  The relevant gene ids can be obtained from the Fabaceae blast and match under the Tools module.This link is sequence fetch.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6 Column 7 Column 8
14-3-3 family Acyl Lipid Metabolism Gene Families AGC Kinase Gene Family Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Gene Family Alfin-like Transcription Factor Family Amino Acid or Auxin Permease AAAP Family Antiporter Super Family Antiporters
AP2-EREBP Transcription Factor Family ARIADNE family ARID Transcription Factor Family AS2 family AT-hook Motif Nuclear Localized (AHL) Family AtRKD Transcription Factor Family B3 DNA Binding Superfamily Basic Helix-Loop-Helix Transcription Factor Gene Family
Basic region leucine zipper (bZIP) Transcription Factor Gene Family BBR or BPC Transcription factor family bZIP Transcription Factor Family BZR Transcription Factor Family C2C2-CO-like Transcription Factor Family C2C2-Dof Transcription Factor Family C2C2-Gata Transcription Factor Family C2C2-YABBY Transcription Factor Family
C2H2 Transcription Factor Family C3H Transcription Factor Family Calmodulin-binding Proteins CAMTA Transcription Factor Family Carbohydrate Esterase CBL-interacting serine-threonine protein kinases CCAAT-DR1 Transcription Factor Family CCAAT-HAP2 Transcription Factor Family
CCAAT-HAP3 Transcription Factor Family CCAAT-HAP5 Transcription Factor Family Cell Wall Biosynthesis Chloroplast and Mitochondria Gene Families COBRA Gene Family Core Cell Cycle Gene Families Core DNA Replication Machinery Family CPP Transcription Factor Family
Cytochrome P450 Cytoplasmic Ribosomal Protein Gene Family Cytoskeleton Gene Families E2F-DP Transcription Factor Family EF-hand Containing Proteins EIL Transcription Factor Family Eukaryotic Initiation Factors Gene Family EXO70 exocyst subunit family
Expansin Gene Family FH2 protein (formin) Gene Family G2-like Transcription Factor Family GeBP Transcription Factor Family Glutamine Dumper (GDU) Family Glutathione S-transferase Gene Family Glycoside Hydrolase Glycosyltransferase
GRAS Transcription Factor Family GRF Transcription Factor Family Histidine Kinase Gene Family Homeobox Transcription Factor Family HRT Transcription Factor Family HSF IDZ Gene Family Inorganic Solute Cotransporters
Ion Channels IQD Protein Family JUMONJI Transcription Factor Family Leucine-rich Repeat extension Gene Families Lipid Metabolism Gene Families LysM Receptor-like Kinase (LYKs) Gene Family LysM Receptor-like Protein (LYPs) Gene Family MADS-box Gene Family
Major Intrinsic Protein MIP MAP Kinase Gene Family MAP Kinase Kinase Gene Family MAP Kinase Kinase Kinase MAP Kinase Kinase Kinase Kinase Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Family Miscellaneous Gene Families MLO family
Monolignol Biosynthesis Gene Families MRS2 Gene Family MYB Transcription Factor Family MYB-Related Transcription Factor Family Myosins gene family NAC Transcription Factor Family NADPH P450 reductases Nicotianamine Synthase Gene Family
NLP Transcription Factor Family Nodulin-like Gene Family Non-SMC Element family Organic Solute Cotransporters Orphan Transcription Factor Family Peroxidase PHD Gene Family PHD Transcription Factor Family
Phospholipase D Gene Family (Wang group) Phytocyanin Superfamily Plant Defensins Gene Families Plant U-box Gene Family Pollen Coat Proteome Polysaccharide Lyase PP2C-type Phosphatase Gene Family Primary Pumps ATPases
Primary Pumps ATPases(2) Protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTP) family PRT Gene Family RAD5 or RAD16-like Gene Family Rapid Response to Elicitors RAV Transcription Factor Family RCI2 Gene Family Receptor kinase-like Gene Family
REM Transcription Factor Family Response Regulator Gene Family SBP-box Gene Family Single Myb Histone (SMH) Gene Family SNARE and Associated Proteins Strubbelig Receptor Gene Family Structural Maintenance of Chromosomes family Su(var)3-9 homologs
Subtilisin-like Serine Gene Family Sucrose Transporter Gene Family Sulfurtransferasese or Rhodanese SUVH1 or 3-interacting DNAJ domain-containing protein superfamily TCP Transcription Factor Family Tify Gene Family Trehalose Biosynthesis Gene Families Trihelix Transcription Factor Family
TRM (TON1 Recruiting Motif) Superfamily TUB Transcription Factor Family Type I MADS-box Gene Family U-box Gene Family VOZ-9 Transcription Factor Family Whirly Transcription Factor Family Wox Gene Family WRKY Transcription Factor Family
Xyloglucan Fucosyltransferase1 ZF-HD Transcription Factor Family Zinc finger-homeobox gene family --- --- --- --- ---

Not found genes
