Selected Analysis Tools

Number Tools Description
1 Blast Call the blast software to perform sequence alignment to arbitrary files.
2 Diamond Call the Diamond software for sequence alignment, arbitrary files.
3 *Blast match Leguminosae sequence alignment and best match.
4 *Sequence fetch Find cds and pep sequences for gene ids.
5 Sequenceserver Leguminosae sequence alignment and Matching visualization.
6 MCScanX Calls MCScanX software to perform collinearity analysis on arbitrary files.
7 ColinearScan Calls the ColinearScan software to perform collinearity analysis on any file.
8 Syntenic visualization A collinear visualization implemented by the invoked Synvisio software based on the results of MCScanX.
9 Dupgen finder The Dupgen finder software is invoked to analyze the type of gene replication.
10 *Block number count Generates the block statistics result based on the ColinearScan result file.
11 ParaAT Call ParaAT to calculate KaKs, which is generally used to compare pairs of gene sequences, reverse translate and prepare input files, and then call external software such as KaKs Calculator or PAML to perform the actual Ka/Ks calculation.
12 KaKs_Calculator Call KaKs Calculator to calculate KaKs, integrating a variety of algorithms (such as NG86, YN00, MYN, LWL85, LPB93, MLWL), providing flexible calculation options.
13 *NG_KaKs_Cal We calculate kaks using bioperl based on the NEi-Gojobori (NG86) algorithm.
14 *B_Dotter Self-developed blastp dot plot function.
15 *BB_Dotter Self-developed function of drawing block dot plots.
16 *BBK_Dotter Self-developed ks dot plot function.
17 *Paleo-gene_identifer Self-developed Correspondence process. According to the block diagram pixel file, blast, block, gff, lens file, generate the final mc result file.
18 *Collinearity generator Self-developed to generate a collinear list according to multiple mc results generated.
19 *Paleo-gene_RI Self-developed paleo-gene retention statistical tool based on mc results.
20 *Paleo-gene_RII Self-developed ancient gene loss statistical tool based on mc results.
21 *P-index-calculator Self-developed P-index calculation, which can be two sets or multiple sets. There are parameters on the page, which can be set by yourself.
22 *Draw_list_trees Self-developed tree formation based on collinear list.
23 *GC-calculation Calculation of GC content of genome or CDS sequence.
24 *Chromosome length extractor Chromosome length or gene length statistics.
25 *Gene_cds_exon_counter Calculates the length and proportion of cds, exon, intron, and gene in the original gff file.
26 *Genome Mount Rate Calculator Genome mount rate calculator.
27 *GF_Circos Self-developed ks circle diagram function.
28 Codonw Call Codonw, statistical sequence codon situation.
29 Cpgfinder Call Cpgfinder to find CpG islands in the sequence.
30 MEME Suite Motif of invoked memes, predicted proteins.
31 GSDS Called GSDS, to achieve the function of drawing gene structure (CDS, UTR, Intron).
32 Hmmer Invoking the Hmmer for gene family screening.
33 Pfam Pfam is invoked to realize the function of identifying protein domains.
34 Interproscan Invoke interproscan software to achieve gene function annotation.
35 Seq alignment Three multi-sequence alignment software (mafft, clustalw, and muscle) are called, which is optional.
36 FastTree Call FastTree software to achieve the function of building a phylogenetic tree.
37 IQ-Tree Call IQ-Tree software to achieve the function of building a phylogenetic tree.
38 TransFam identifier Regulatory protein (RKs) prediction, invoked by iTak software, enables predictive transcription factors (TFs), transcription regulatory factors (TRs), and protein kinases (PKs).
39 *Heatmap The transcriptome and metabolome are combined to calculate Pearson coefficient to see the correlation between gene expression patterns and metabolite content patterns in each tissue, determine the correlation between genes and metabolites, and draw heat maps.
40 *Lollipop Draw a lollipop chart function. It can be a metabolite or the number of genes that function as expressed.
41 *Gene structure Function, the position of genes on chromosomes.
42 ShinyCircos Call ShinyCircos to draw a circos diagram.
43 *Species classification According to the Latin name of the input species, obtain the classification of the species from NCBI in batches.
44 *SS-extractor It is a gene sequence extraction tool. Upload pep file, cds file, gff file and ID file, and extract the corresponding gene ID information from the other three files according to the id file.
45 *SAF-converter Global multi-sequence alignment file format conversion tool (pep or cds file). Format conversions for various file types are available, including genbank, fasta, embl, fastq, clustal, phylip, and nexus.
46 *BDI-finder Search and replace tool. This is a search and replace tool. You can upload a file and specify which characters to replace and which characters to replace. The tool looks for all matches in the file and replaces them with what you specify.
47 *BDI-deduplicator In the pep or cds file, delete the duplicate gene id and sequence according to the gene id.
48 *BDI-extractor This is a tool for extracting data by column. You can upload the file and specify the column number to be extracted, and the tool will extract the data for the corresponding column from the file.
49 *BDI-combiner File merge tool. Upload multiple files of the same file format and eventually return a combined total file.
50 *Deal_stars Delete ". "from the pep protein file. And "*". The ". "in the Pep file And "*" stand for stop codons, which will report errors when running some software, such as diamond and interproscan. Cds file is not supposed to appear "." And "*".
51 *Subtree_extractor From a large phylogenetic tree file (can be a species tree, can be a gene tree), extracts a specified range of small phylogenetic trees.
52 Block_run Syntenic analysis tool based on WGDI.
53 KaKs calculate Calculation KaKs tool based on WGDI. The Ka/Ks is calculated using the Nei-Gojobori algorithm in the YN00 program based on PAML software.
54 Blast dotplot WGDI-based blast dotplot tool.
55 Ks dotplot Ks dotplot tool based on WGDI.
56 Block_info Screening out collinear fragments based on WGDI.
57 Correspondence Correspondence process based on WGDI.
58 JBrowse Call Jbrowse, to achieve the gene browser function, you can view the genome and GFF and other files.